With only two full days left standing between me and the 26.2 miles I'll be running in California, there are quite a few things that have the potential to keep me awake at night. So far, sleep hasn't been a problem, knock on wood, but here it is:
1) Many of the things I've read say that the pre-race week jitters will get to you. I haven't had much, if any, anxiety about the race, which in itself makes me anxious. I think this might be what they are talking about...I just remembered, in fact that I need to go pick up Gu and Shot Blocks for the race. So I think I can say I have the pre-race jitters, which makes me less anxious, but then I have to deal with those nerves. My mind is not a place you would want to be right now...
2) A Nor'easter (however it is spelled) is supposed to hit today and high winds are supposed to stick around through Saturday. My flight leaves from Boston tonight and naturally I'm concerned. If I can just get myself to San Francisco, which is all the way across the country, and completely in the hands of JetBlue airlines, then I can run those freaking 26.2 miles.
3) Will I get enough rest the day before the race? I will likely worry about getting enough rest, and worrying keeps rest away, and I find myself wishing that I had actually read the book Catch-22.
4) Blisters? Leg pain? Side cramp? General existence pain? Probably. That's okay. If I get those, it means that I made it to the race. It means that I'm in the race. It means that, barring any medical condition, I will finish the race. Because once I start, I'm not stopping unless I pass out, get struck by lightning, get struck by a car (I'll only stop then if it's really bad), etc. etc.
Thanks so much to everyone who has been following my blog! The updates have been sporadic, yes, but hopefully they've been entertaining.
Wish me luck and send energetic, caffeinated and carb-loaded thoughts my way on Sunday morning!!
Your blogs are very entertaining. Best of luck to you. I'm very proud of you and know you will do great! Mom